First Choice In-Home Care Blog


[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 30, 2018 5:08:06 PM / by First Choice posted in Nutrition, Washington State

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First Choice In-Home Care has partnered with the Washington State Department of Social & Health Services to ensure that our caregivers receive information and tips to make your job easier and safer.  The following PDF from the Washington State Department of Social & Health Services is a great reminder of the importance of remaining hydrated.  We encourage all to take a moment and read through the article and recognize the impact of dehydration on your body.

Read the Article on Dehydration


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Senior Care and Flu Season Concerns

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 27, 2016 7:40:00 PM / by First Choice posted in Aging, Senior Care, Nutrition

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If you are caring for a senior aged 65 and older, it is important to ensure that your loved one gets a flu shot this season. Why? The CDC reports: "It is estimated that between 71 percent and 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths have occurred in people 65 years and older, and between 54 percent and 70 percent of seasonal flu-related hospitalizations have occurred among people in that age group."

In other words, seniors are at high risk for flu-related complications. This is largely because, as seniors age, their immune systems weaken over time. This is true even for seemingly healthy seniors, but it is even more important to prevent the flu if your senior is already suffering from other physical ailments.

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Senior Care: Keeping a Focus on Healthy Eating

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 29, 2016 7:30:00 PM / by First Choice posted in Senior Care, Caregiver, Nutrition

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As your parents or older family members age, they may not eat as healthily as they once did. Some issues that affect older people, such as frailty or depression, may make it either difficult to plan and prepare meals or difficult to summon the energy. All too many older people make do with less than nutritious meals.

Many older Americans are food insecure, which can stem from multiple factors, including difficulty accessing healthful and inexpensive food or challenges in paying for an adequate amount of food. In addition, if they are living alone, they may lack the motivation to cook for themselves.

Coupled with these challenges, though, is the importance of eating well to senior health overall. Eating healthily can keep in check health conditions common to the elderly, like diabetes and heart disease. It can improve the overall energy level of seniors and keep their brain functioning optimally. Good nutrition has a preventive effect on illnesses as well. In short, healthy eating is part of good senior care.

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